Church offices have now been moved to the Towncrest area in southeast Iowa City. Our phones are operational with the original Parkview number 354-5580. Our church email is not yet working, so please be patient if you have been trying to email us. It will hopefully be back online on by Monday. Please note that for various reasons, numerous staff members are working from home, so don't be surprised if you can't reach all of the Pastor's with the church phone number.
In regard to services, we will be at West High School’s auditorium at 9:00 and 10:30 am. Parking will be accessed through the east drive entrance. There is a chance we will run out of parking spots, which will require some to park in the large lot behind the school that is also being shared by National Guard vehicles forced to find new homes due to the flooding. Because of the parking situation, carpooling is recommended. I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday!
Our new sign at the corner of Foster and Dubuque.
This view from the corner of Foster and Dubuque shows the soccer goals now almost completely immersed by the river.
This is our main north entrance.
Our estimation is that approximately three feet of water is now standing throughout the church facility.
Those are truly horrible pictures. I'm so sad for all of you. I'm praying for you all in the days ahead.
I am encouraged by your photos. They don't portray a "church in danger" at all! The flooding is bad for the church building, but good for the church body. I see people coming together in community, and that's what it's all about. I heard from Kinsey that you spent many, many hours there...your efforts on behalf of the building have a purpose, even though you may not see the results at the present.
"No longer free to brush aside this earthly life as mere batting practice for our future, heavenly existence, we NOW recognize that whatever we do, regardless how seemingly small and insignificant, should be done with excellence "in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Col. 3:17 - Heaven is a place on Earth by Michael Wittmer
YOUR life is an example of this and an encouragement to many. Keep on keepin' on.
Scott, we don't know what to say. Elizabeth and I were not aware of the flooding beyond broad references to "flooding in the midwest" in the news. Now we have been sitting in front of our computer for 2 hours staring in shock at photos of places we held so dear for those brief years we lived there. Elizabeth is calling her Mom (on staff at GB Community Church) as I type to get you all on the prayer chain up here. KNOW that you are all in our prayers and that we love you. May God continue to bless you with safety and health in this monumental time of adjustment. Please extend our love to others with a hug and warm wish of peace.
Paul & Elizabeth
Thank you for these candid updates on the flooding. I don't know what to say other than I wish I could help, but I know I can' least at this time. When the time does come, please, please, let me know. I have people up here in Minnesota that will be ready to help in any way we can. Take care.
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