Friday, January 05, 2007

Worshiping Vicariously Through Others?

Greg Roig shares an interesting quote on worship. What do you think?
“A wise friend had told me that when his heart is unable to worship in a given moment or situation, for whatever reason, he looks around the congregation to find a person most engaged in worship and begins to pray, ‘Lord, let that person’s worship be mine.’ At times when the worship seems, to my musical sensibilities, as a diet of cotton candy I remind myself first, that the worship isn’t there for me (so I can ‘be fed’) and second, that there are many in the congregation for whom that musical expression is authentic, even empowering. In turn, this reminds me that I am a small part of a congregation that is so much bigger than me. It has enabled me to transcend the limitations of the styles that I prefer and even to worship, dare I say, ‘vicariously’ through others. It’s a great fix for the ‘me generation.’”

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