Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Who is My Neighbor?

Josh Malone, Pastor of Young Adults at Parkview delivered a powerful message last weekend on the story of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37. If you don’t attend Parkview or were out of town you can listen to it here.

It is very interesting to me how followers of Christ tend to view their "neighbors" as those who they associate with in the context of Church. To a degree, this is appropriate. We should celebrate and embrace the fellowship of believers. In the same regard our love and friendships should extend, like Christ, far outside the walls of the church. Even to those who’s political and social positions are quite different than our own.

Now, it is one thing to recognize the need, it is another to actually do something about it. Here are some ideas of how we can expand our "neighborhood" to include those outside the church community.
  • Volunteer at a local hospital to help with the sick who are suffering with cancer or aids
  • Get involved in a group that shares your talents like a community singing group or sports league (don’t just play on the church team)
  • Host a neighborhood block party
  • Help with an after school program or free medical clinic (like our IC Hope ministry)
  • Others?


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts, Scott.

The possibilities are endless:

Own a snow blower (or have a strong back and a shovel) - do the sidewalk (or the driveways) of other neighbors. Great chance to serve without expectation.

Host a tea (for ladies that like to be social). Invite not only neighbors, but their mothers/mother-in-laws to join as well.

Start a book club in your neighborhood.

Put a swing set in your back yard and offer it for use by any of the neighborhood kids.

Go for walks around your community and actually stop and TALK with people.

Some of these seem pretty "common sense" for people who are "nice", but the reality is if you're anything like me you prefer to be introverted... and well... its hard to live a Christ-like example in front of others if you aren't ever in front of others.

Scott Sterner said...

Jim, these are some great ideas. Like you, these kind of things are quite helpful for me. The key is being intentional because it's too easy to become ingrown. I like all your ideas... well, the mother-in-law idea is a little questionable. :)