Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Iowa City Proposes Buy Out

Some of you may have caught this evening's news on KCRG where they featured a story on Iowa City's very recent proposal to buy out buildings and land in area floodplanes. One of the proposed areas for buy out is Parkview's land south of Taft Speedway that is mostly designated wetlands. If you are a Parkview member interested in more information, please stay tuned. The elder board has pulled together a meeting Tuesday afternoon in order to review this proposal from the city. We'll be getting out information as things develop. If you click on the above link you can watch the video of the news segment.


Jenna said...

We had the news on while cooking dinner and Andrew says, "Um...I think they just talked to Scott!" We rewound it just to see your interview :)

James said...

Totally just watched your interview online.