Thursday, February 15, 2007

Amazing Grace Reviewed

I have posted multiple times on this movie, but was so encouraged by this review I read on "Between Two Worlds" that I thought I would pass it on. I really enjoy seeing movies come out with redemptive value and a reasonable level of historic integrity. According to Witherington, this is a good one.

Ben Witherington reviews Amazing Grace. An excerpt:
I will tell you now it is one of the better films of historical interest that I have ever seen--- beautiful cinematography, powerful acting, carefully hewn plot line and scene development-- just right. While superficial comparisons could be made with Steven Spielberg's 'Amistad' of some years ago, this is a far more compelling story as it explains the philosophical and theological roots of the abolitionist movement in England.
. . . "Amazing Grace" is a wonderful, poignant and compelling story of how to live out the social implications of one's faith. It reaches the theaters on Feb. 23rd of this month, the 200th anniversary of the date when the abolition act first passed the vote of Parliament. I would urge every Christian to see this movie, take their families, take their youth groups, take their churches to see it. We need to support this sort of high quality cinema which supports Christian values. I hope we will do so. In doing so we will be serving the One who called us to social justice and ministries of compassion saying "in as much as you have not done it unto the least of these, you have not done it unto me."
Here is the official movie website.


First Theology said...

FYI - Ben Witherington is a very well respected NT historian/scholar who focuses on the historical-social aspect of the NT era (called socio-rhetorical study I think). He has written a BUNCH of commentaries that deal almost exclusively with this (v. the grammatical/syntactical/contextual types of things that most commentaries focus on).

Scott Sterner said...

Josh, sounds like Ben is an endorsement worth trusting.