Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Watchmaker

Kids 4 Truth has an internet video called The Watchmaker that is a great teaching tool for kids. It is a story that illustrates intelligent design in a creative and engaging way. Check it out here.

Here is a synopsis from Kids 4 Truth regarding the message behind The Watchmaker...
We are hoping that this presentation causes you to acknowledge that there is one true Creator God and to inquire as to Who this God is.

Jeremiah 29:13 – And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

We believe there are two foundational spiritual questions that far surpass all others: Is there a God? Has this God spoken? We believe the answer to both those questions is a resounding "YES!" We believe that there is one God, and that this one God has revealed Himself generally through Creation and man's conscience (sense of right and wrong), and has revealed Himself specifically through the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.

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