Monday, May 21, 2007

The Innkeeper

Ok, I know this is way out of season, but something triggered my memory of this poem written by John Piper back in 1986. Every year John writes an advent poem for his congregation. In this poem he is exploring the perspective of the innkeeper who allowed Jesus to be born in his stable. The setting is Jesus, as an adult, going back to visit the innkeeper. I have NEVER made it through this poem without weeping. What a moving picture of suffering and redemption (especially moving from a parents perspective).

Here is a link to the poem on the Desiring God site. I strongly suggest you click on the "listen" link and listen to the rendition of Piper reading the poem with underscore. It is far more moving that way. If you can't get the audio to work, you can read the poem at the same link.

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