Monday, November 12, 2007

Simple Church Continued

Here’s another excerpt from Simple Church a book I’ve been reading lately that totally hits the nail on the head in regard to church vision and strategy. As I stated a few days ago, the basic premise of the book is that simple churches are effective churches. Here are the four main characteristics of a simple church as defined in chapter 3. Simple churches have…
  • CLARITY: The ability of the process to be communicated and understood by people.
  • MOVEMENT: The sequential steps in the process that cause people to move to greater areas of commitment.
  • ALIGNMENT: The arrangement of all ministries and staff around the same simple process.
  • FOCUS: The commitment to abandon everything that falls outside the simple ministry process.
Some of you may have no clue or concern about how a church operates strategically, but the previous characteristics are so huge in the “big picture” of church life. By the grace of God, if we can communicate and live out God’s mission with clarity, movement, alignment, and focus I believe we will truly be maximizing our potential to participate in God’s mission to reach our community and the world with a movement of the gospel.

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