Saturday, November 03, 2018

Your Best Parenting May Not Work

This is a helpful article by Pastor Glen Mills on parenting and why it is that children walk away from the faith. It's an important reminder to us all that God calls us to parent from our knees.
I used to think if Christian parents did everything right, our kids would turn out fine. Now I know that Christian parents will never do everything right. There is no such thing as perfect parenting. And even if we did everything “right,” our kids still may wander away. 
My son Nathan is a twin. We parented him and his sister Emma identically. Our daughter became the model Christian daughter, following our Lord faithfully from a young age. But Nathan rejected God. Watching them grow taught me that I couldn’t take credit for Emma’s salvation. God had ultimately done the work. It took longer to learn that I wasn’t responsible for Nathan walking away.
You can read the rest here at Desiring God's website.

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