Friday, November 23, 2018

What is True Greatness?

Here are some reflections on true greatness after meditating on Jesus' teaching for His disciples from Mark 10:43-45. So what are some principals of true greatness for leaders?
  • To perform humble tasks, out of love and with no need of recognition.
  • To always ask the question, "What is best for others?"
  • To look for ways to help others reach their full potential.
  • To serve, even at the risk of being thought less of by others
  • To surround yourself with highly gifted people, with no fear of losing power and no insecurity when their lights shine brighter than your own. 
  • The ability to celebrate when others succeed.
This is not how many in our world define greatness. As Christians we mustn't cave, believing that the world's standard of greatness is better than God's. He who longs to be great, must be a servant of all.

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